[Crossfit Intrinsic X Denise Payne Yoga] Handstand Clinic  with Denise Payne: 29 & 30 April 2023
to Apr 30

[Crossfit Intrinsic X Denise Payne Yoga] Handstand Clinic with Denise Payne: 29 & 30 April 2023

  • Google Calendar ICS

All Levels Saturday, 29 April 2023
10.30am – 2.30pm
$75 / session (30 max)

Level Up Sunday, 30 April 2023
9am – 11am
$65 / session (30 max)
$125 / both sessions

Private 30 mins 1:1 Session with Denise:
12pm – 4pm (8 slots, select your preferred time)
$50 / 30 mins

Venue: Crossfit Intrinsic  / 426 McArthur Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA


Have you ever seen someone performing a handstand and thought, “I could never do that!” Or are you practicing them and don’t seem to make any progress? This clinic is made for you! 

Too often, we are focusing on what we need to do better or how we need to improve, but focusing on what you’re already good at and building from there is a more effective and sustainable approach. 

Denise has been teaching yoga and inversions for over 40 years. And she has gone through it all in the process. Her study of anatomy and dynamics of movement allows her to see beyond technique and enables her to direct her students toward a way that is fun and comfortable so that they keep on training!

In this clinic, you will learn:

1. The building blocks of handstands and how to customize them to suit your body

2. How to build strength and endurance in your confidence

3. How to prevent injury while maintaining a consistent training schedule

4. Techniques to overcome your fears

5. How to recruit your entire body to create a comfortable handstand

“Without consistency, all the techniques in the world won’t work. And if you’re not enjoying it, you won’t stick with it.”  

- Denise Payne

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7:00 PM19:00


Bali 09:00-18:30 | Sydney 11:00-12:30
Workshop by The Yoga Barn Bali / ‘Live’ on Zoom

FLOAT: to move lightly, as if suspended

Jump backs and jump throughs seem like an advanced skill to acquire, but with the right technique you could be adding these spectacular and super fun transitions into your practice.If you've never experienced the elusive movement of the jump through, you might find it hard to comprehend. Thinking it takes herculean upper body strength only leads to self doubt, and then you get nowhere.


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Inversion Online Workshops: Fri, 1st & 8th Oct / 18:00 MST (next day Asia / Pacific)
to Oct 9

Inversion Online Workshops: Fri, 1st & 8th Oct / 18:00 MST (next day Asia / Pacific)

Experience the dynamics that create a connection between you and any inversions, and ushers in a sense of ease in your practice. Whether you’ve never been upside down or gotten your feet off the floor in headstand, or if you’re wondering where to go next in your inversion practice, this 2-part workshop is dedicated to creating a richer relationship to inversions, with a refreshing approach to learning the fundamentals. Your increased awareness will guide the way as you take flight!

Northern Hemisphere dates are Friday, October 1st & 8th, 18:00 MST (next day Asia / Pacific)
*Do note the day/time according to your time zone. The time schedule is set to MST (Mountain Standard Time,) Arizona, USA

USD 45 per workshop / USD 80 both workshops



  • Book a spot above for one of the upcoming online classes. You will receive a confirmation email that your payment has been processed and a link for entry to the online session. Prices are in USD.

  • Download the free Zoom app. Log in ahead of time and get settled.

  • Do position your camera from the side or diagonally from the front so that the teacher would be able to follow your practice better.

  • Participants take full responsibility for their own safety.

  • By enrolling in any of the classes above, you agree to Denise’s terms and conditions.

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11:30 AM11:30

Yin Masterclass: Live on Zoom

Yin Masterclass-square-1.jpg

Event description

Join me Friday, May 14, for a 2-hour Yin Masterclass.

Essentials of myofascial release, yin yoga, breath work and meditation in an online event.

Simple, yet deep. Denise will expertly take you on a journey toward greater suppleness of breath, body and mind.

This class will be a peek into what you'll be able to put together yourself when you use my app.

Date: Friday, May 14 2021

Time: 18:00 – 20:00 MST (2 hours)

What to bring;

A floor, mat optional

Tennis balls/lacrosse/something like that

Yoga block

Drink of choice. Water/whatever.

Notebook and pen

Open mind

Tight hamstrings/hips/shoulders

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to Apr 25

Your Meditation Habit - From Stress to Stillness / Fridays & Saturdays in April

Your Meditation Habit - From Stress to Stillness

4 x 2-hour weekly course / 3 international time options (*please check your time zone + daylight saving time in April )

Time option 1: Friday 2, 9, 16, 23 Apr (18:00 MST) / Saturday 3, 10, 17, 24 Apr (Asia/Pacific)

Time option 2: Saturday 3, 10, 17, 24 Apr (08:30 MST) / (16:30 CET)

Time option 3: Saturday 3, 10, 17, 24 Apr (11:00 MST) / (19:00 CET)

Developing a meditation practice can be the perfect antidote to the chronic stress and anxiety that is prevalent in our everyday living. Often, it has become such a natural part of us that we don’t realize the impact until we begin to release it.

So what the heck is meditation? That’s a great question. With numerous types of meditation, it can be confusing. Meditation can be as simple as finding one moment of inner peace, and as deep as you’re willing to go. The challenge can be in developing a meditation habit. Like a lot of things that are good for us, there is something between us and that thing, keeping us from doing it. We can run into an obstacle and never get off the ground. We can get caught up in thinking we don’t have an hour to meditate, or we don’t have the perfect place set up - when all we really need is a few minutes and someplace to sit. 

This 4-part series is all about creating the Meditation Habit. A comprehensive and easy to follow program that will take you from stress to stillness in a way that develops good habits and makes you want to do it. In this 4 part Meditation Habit series you will:

• Experience simple approaches to understanding what meditation is

• Experiment with different tools and visualization to develop a deeper practice

• Develop techniques that suit your particular style

• Learn how to create meditation habits that last

• Gain a deeper connection with the self and slowly remove the obstacles between you and the self 

You will also learn how to sit! The foundation of any meditation practice. I would recommend to have your Padma seat ready – the ultimate meditation tool that supports the physical body while you’re exploring the internal world. You get purchase your Padma Seat from Amazon. The seats come in S,M or L. The size you prefer will depend on how close the knees are to the floor when you sit cross leg.

Each week will consist of a live 2 hour session, as well as PDF’s to print out to track your practice during the week, as well as tips for success and how to overcome obstacles. 


USD80 (4 sessions)


  • Download the free Zoom app. Log in ahead of time and get settled.

  • Do have your Mala beads and your Padma cushion/meditation seat ready for the workshop.

  • This will be an interactive workshop. You have the option to leave your camera on or off. The teacher can better assist you if it is on.

  • Participants take full responsibility for their own safety.

  • By enrolling in the workshop, below, you agree to Denise’s terms and conditions.

Workshop FAQ page

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